00:22:17 Lori Peek, Natural Hazards Center and CONVERGE: Boulder, Colorado 00:22:21 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Boulder, Colorado :) 00:22:22 Shinwoo Choi: Austin, TX 00:22:23 Mary Angelica Painter: St. Louis, Mo :) 00:22:24 Sara O'Connor: Long Beach, California 00:22:24 Tara Goddard: College Station, TX 00:22:24 Ratna Dougherty: Tampa, FL 00:22:24 Colleen Reid: Colleen Reid, University of Colorado Boulder 00:22:25 Carson MacPherson-Krutsky: Bellingham, WA 00:22:25 Maria Chelo De Venecia: Honolulu, HI 00:22:26 Ertugrul Taciroglu: joining from UCLA 00:22:26 Olivia Seavy: San Francisco, CA :) 00:22:26 Walter Boykin: Denver CO 00:22:26 Nicole Errett: Seattle, WA 00:22:26 Gabriela Calana: Stanford, CA 00:22:28 Kamrin Robinon: Littleton, CO :) 00:22:29 Meghan Mordy: Washington State 00:22:30 Nnenia Campbell: Bellingham, Washington πŸ™‚ 00:22:30 Jaqueline Zdebski: Seattle, WA 00:22:30 Ann Gordon: Orange, CA 00:22:31 Megan Bronson: Fresno, CA 00:22:31 Naomi Cutler: Seattle, WA 00:22:31 Molly Hunter: Tucson, Arizona 00:22:31 Mei Hamaguchi: Honolulu, HI 00:22:32 Andrea Taylor: Nelson, British Columbia 00:22:32 Tom Nelson: NW Minnesota 00:22:32 Liz Koslov: Los Angeles, CA 00:22:33 Lydia Louis: Washington, D.C. 00:22:33 Maria Esposito: Near Buffalo, NY 00:22:35 Coleen Haskell: Coleen Haskell, Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) in Boise, Idaho 00:22:36 Matthew Palm: Chapel Hill, NC 00:22:36 Kaila Witkowski: Sunrise, FL 00:22:37 Mikel Gordon: Hello, Los Angeles, CA 00:22:37 Lara Schwarz: Berkeley, CA 00:22:38 Haley Murphy: Norman, Oklahoma 00:22:39 Deserai Crow: Denver, Colorado 00:22:39 Ingrid Nixon: Tallahassee, Florida 00:22:41 Salvesila Tamima: West Chester, PA 00:22:41 Ajinkya Desai: Irvine, California 00:22:41 Kristen Okorn: Bay Area, CA 00:22:42 Katanja Waldner: Berkeley, CA 00:22:42 Rachel Culli: Denver, CO 00:22:42 Haisu Huang: Williamsburg, Virginia. 00:22:43 Britt Raubenheimer: Sandpoint, Idaho 00:22:44 Jordan Jiron: Jordan Jiron! Denver, Colorado 00:22:44 Miranda Host: Denver, CO 00:22:45 Katie Dickinson: Aurora, CO 00:22:45 Dean Damore: Syracuse, NY 00:22:45 Joe Wartman: Joe Wartman, RAPID Facility, Univ. of Washington 00:22:46 Matthew Van: Fountain Valley, CA 00:22:49 Eric Yamashita: University of Hawaii, NDPTC, Honolulu, HI 00:22:53 Steve Quarles: Mill Valley, CA 00:22:55 Ranjan Datta: Joining from Calgary Canada 00:22:55 Julia Shtunyuk: North West AR 00:22:56 Shannon Burke: Shannon Burke, Washington, DC 00:22:57 Rachel Adams: santa monica, ca 00:22:57 Sifat Muin: Los Angeles, CA 00:22:57 Shafin Valla: Toronto Canada 00:22:57 Autym Shafer: Berkeley, CA 00:23:00 Erica Fischer: Oregon State University; Corvallis, OR 00:23:02 Claire Richards: Bainbridge Island near Seattle, WA; land stolen from the Suquamish 00:23:09 Marina Mendoza: Long Beach, CA 00:23:13 Diane Robinson: From Rancho Palos Verdes where recent landslides occurred & recent wildfires about 40 miles north. 00:23:20 Louise Comfort: Hi friends, San Francisco Bay Area. CA 00:23:23 Dylan Williams: Austin, TX 00:23:23 Tim Cockerill: NSF NHERI DesignSafe Deputy Project Director Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) Univ of Texas at Austin 00:23:37 Emily Embleton: Rogue Valley, OR. We just had folks from our non profit RFU head down to LA to support feeding efforts for those evacuated. Honored to be here. 00:23:47 Tara Goddard: Reacted to "Rogue Valley, OR. We..." with ❀️ 00:23:53 Brady Podloski: Brady Podloski, Instructor Disaster and Emergency Management, NAIT - Alberta, Canada 00:23:56 Chen Chen: Reacted to "Rogue Valley, OR. We..." with ❀️ 00:24:00 Nicholas Tinoco: Hi everyone, calling in from UCLA 00:24:12 Samanta Varela: Hello, Samanta from UT Austin 00:24:27 Diane Robinson: Also Rancho Palos Verdes city member of Emergency Preparedness Committee. 00:24:34 Kimberley Shoaf: Kim from University of Utah 00:24:44 Hafsa Aasi: Pomona, CA, about 30 miles east of Los Angeles 00:24:57 Rob Olshansky: San Francisco Bay Area, northern California. 00:25:15 Chen Chen: Hi calling in from Oklahoma State University 00:25:56 Sara Hamideh: SUNY Stony Brook University, Long Island, NY 00:26:09 Kathleen Tierney: Kathleen Tierney, Boulder CO 00:26:43 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Video and Slides will be posted here: https://converge.colorado.edu/virtual-forums/converge-virtual-forum-2025-southern-california-wildfires-session-1/ 00:27:22 Catherine Oldershaw: Catherine Oldershaw from Element 84, dialing in from Philadelphia 00:27:37 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Session 2 Forum Link and Registration: https://converge.colorado.edu/virtual-forums/converge-virtual-forum-2025-southern-california-wildfires-session-2/ 00:27:46 Sarah Grajdura: I’m Sarah at Utah State University 😊 00:28:11 Tara Goddard: Reacted to "I’m Sarah at Utah St..." with πŸ‘‹πŸΌ 00:28:19 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Shared Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rulIriHcQC_rrgNLqrD7UwOOxCJ6adZOScVOztrYJKs/edit?usp=sharing 00:28:32 Chen Chen: Reacted to "I’m Sarah at Utah St..." with πŸ‘‹πŸΌ 00:29:13 Shannon Degenhart: Shannon Degenhart, Texas A&M University 00:29:17 Sara Gabrielson: Sara Gabrielson with Pacific Fire Exchange, based in Oahu, Hawaii 00:32:26 tamar ginossar: Tamar Ginossar, University of New Mexico 00:33:39 Lori Peek, Natural Hazards Center and CONVERGE: More about the Marshall Fire Recovery and Resilience Working Group here: https://www.marshallresilience.com/ 00:34:58 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Katie Dickinson's email: katherine.dickinson@cuanschutz.edu 00:36:26 Katie Dickinson: Design Safe links are on our What We've Learned page, also here: https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-0yc8-4h27 00:42:42 Kathleen Tierney: The debris issue is extremely important. I can only envision the challenges associated with debris clearance and removal in Pacific Palisades! This will emerge as a problematic issue in all affected communities and will influence recovery in major ways. 00:42:55 Claire Richards: Reacted to "The debris issue is ..." with πŸ’― 00:42:58 Emily Embleton: Reacted to "The debris issue is ..." with πŸ’― 00:43:32 Tara Goddard: Reacted to "The debris issue is ..." with πŸ’― 00:43:46 Katie Dickinson: Reacted to "The debris issue is ..." with πŸ’― 00:43:50 Kaila Witkowski: Please feel free to reach out to us with questions on our research or tips: Dr. Kaila Witkowski (kwitkowski@fau.edu); Dr. Ratna Dougherty (rbdougherty@usf.edu). 00:44:22 Brady Podloski: Reacted to "The debris issue i..." with πŸ‘ 00:49:00 Coleen Haskell: Reacted to "The debris issue is ..." with πŸ‘ 00:49:10 Emily Embleton: I work in rural support building, and we always say that change happens at the speed of trust. Trust building, allowing people to share their story and holding space for that, is so critical. Thank you for your work. 00:49:26 Ratna Dougherty: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:49:26 Kaila Witkowski: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:49:30 Nnenia Campbell: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:49:33 Tara Goddard: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:49:34 Erica Fischer: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:49:34 Megan Bronson: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with πŸ’― 00:49:41 Erica Fischer: Reacted to "The debris issue is ..." with πŸ‘ 00:50:23 Coleen Haskell: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:50:36 Andrea Taylor: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:51:01 Katie Dickinson: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:52:21 Mary Angelica Painter: Reacted to "I work in rural supp..." with ❀️ 00:52:23 Kathleen Tierney: Impressive work! 00:52:32 Mary Angelica Painter: Reacted to "The debris issue is ..." with πŸ’― 00:53:09 Kaila Witkowski: Excellent points Dr. Feldmann-Jensen on trust and focusing on what the communities need instead of what our study needs. 00:53:17 Andrea Taylor: Reacted to "Excellent points Dr...." with πŸ‘ 00:55:13 Sara Gabrielson: When researchers are going into communities where they don’t already have established connections, perhaps such as the Maui Fires, is there an effort to maintain those relationship? Are folks ensuring that their data and results are returned to the community in a way that the community can use them (i.e. not as a scientific paper)? How are we as the research community continuing to build that trust now? 00:55:52 Chen Chen: Reacted to "When researchers are..." with πŸ‘ 00:56:06 Ertugrul Taciroglu: thanks Shirley. this was fantastic. 00:56:08 Emily Embleton: Reacted to "When researchers are..." with πŸ‘ 00:56:23 Ratna Dougherty: That's a great question...we have made an active effort for the Maui context to keep our interviewees updated on where we are with our work. And we continue to emphasize that we are there to listen should they want to share more. We are also cognizant of updating them as we share their stories 00:56:37 Samanta Varela: Reacted to "That's a great quest..." with πŸ‘πŸ½ 00:56:42 Sifat Muin: Reacted to "Excellent points Dr...." with πŸ‘ 00:57:11 Sara Gabrielson: Reacted to "That's a great quest..." with πŸ‘πŸ½ 00:57:18 Ratna Dougherty: Reacted to "Excellent points Dr...." with πŸ‘ 00:57:23 Shirley Feldmann-Jensen: Reacted to "That's a great quest..." with πŸ‘ 00:57:41 Sara O'Connor: Reacted to "That's a great quest..." with πŸ‘ 00:58:46 Kaila Witkowski: Replying to "When researchers are..." Great question, Sara. That is probably the hardest thing and something that we continue to think about. Ratna and I have continued to have conversations about this. One way that we try to continue building that relationship is to check in every once in a while. We also have been offering some of our nonprofit partners opportunities to co-author practitioner-focused articles. We also have a virtual gallery that focuses on some of the results that participants are able to view and actively make edits. 00:59:02 Kaila Witkowski: Reacted to "That's a great quest..." with πŸ‘ 00:59:10 Emily Embleton: Reacted to "Great question, Sara..." with ❀️ 00:59:13 Ratna Dougherty: I want to shoutout Natural Hazards Center for this effort to build a collaborative document that we can all access...I think it has a potential to reduce the research fatigue that affected communities go through on account of different researchers trying to do the same thing in silos 00:59:17 Ratna Dougherty: Reacted to "Great question, Sara..." with ❀️ 00:59:28 Sifat Muin: Reacted to "I want to shoutout N..." with πŸ‘ 00:59:29 Catherine Oldershaw: Reacted to "That's a great quest..." with πŸ‘ 00:59:30 Tara Goddard: Reacted to "I want to shoutout N..." with πŸ‘πŸΌ 00:59:33 Ranjan Datta: All you are doing great work!! Love to learn and collaborate 00:59:39 Catherine Oldershaw: Reacted to "I want to shoutout N..." with πŸ‘ 00:59:43 Kaila Witkowski: Replying to "That's a great quest..." Thanks, Ratna. I agree. We always feel we can do more. Its a work in progress. 01:00:03 Kaila Witkowski: Reacted to "I want to shoutout N..." with πŸ‘ 01:00:10 Andrea Taylor: Reacted to "I want to shoutout N..." with πŸ‘ 01:01:14 Shirley Feldmann-Jensen: Reacted to "I want to shoutout N..." with πŸ’Ÿ 01:01:14 Sara O'Connor: Reacted to "All you are doing gr..." with πŸ™Œ 01:01:19 Ratna Dougherty: Reacted to "Thanks, Ratna. I agr..." with ❀️ 01:02:38 Sara O'Connor: Wonderful to learn from all of you! 01:03:08 Lori Peek, Natural Hazards Center and CONVERGE: Tara Goddard from Texas A&M University! 01:03:15 Sarah Grajdura: Great presentation thank you for sharing 01:03:32 Erica Fischer: Here are some links to data of some of the responses that I mentioned: GEER data: https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-garb-1n48 Camp Fire data: https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-2kh8-f472 GEER Report: https://www.geerassociation.org/?view=geerreports&id=103&layout=default 01:04:35 Sara Gabrielson: Reacted to "Great question, Sara..." with πŸ‘ 01:04:46 Andrea Taylor: Reacted to "Here are some links ..." with πŸ‘ 01:05:57 Shirley Feldmann-Jensen: The Woolsey Fire work can be downloaded at Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Foundation 01:06:02 Shirley Feldmann-Jensen: https://laepf.org/woolsey-fire 01:09:12 Shirley Feldmann-Jensen: Bridging the gap for a community with wildfire risk https://laepf.org/community-brigade 01:09:25 Kaila Witkowski: Reacted to "Bridging the gap for..." with ❀️ 01:09:46 Nnenia Campbell: Reacted to "The Woolsey Fire wor..." with ❀️ 01:10:16 Andrea Taylor: Reacted to "Bridging the gap for..." with ❀️ 01:10:34 Tara Goddard: Find me on bluesky @drtaragoddard (best fastest way) or email at goddard@tamu.edu Info about project: https://hazards.colorado.edu/weather-ready-research/transit-agencies-and-wildfire-evacuation 01:11:03 Sara Gabrielson: Replying to "When researchers are..." Thanks for your response and Ratna’s. I’m glad to hear that this is something you’re grappling with. Agreed, it’s the hardest part! 01:11:22 Andrea Taylor: Reacted to "Great question, Sara..." with ❀️ 01:11:25 Ratna Dougherty: Reacted to "Thanks for your resp..." with πŸ‘ 01:12:13 Kaila Witkowski: Reacted to "Thanks for your resp..." with πŸ‘ 01:16:50 Shirley Feldmann-Jensen: Reacted to "Thanks for your resp..." with πŸ‘ 01:20:02 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Video and Slides will be posted here: https://converge.colorado.edu/virtual-forums/converge-virtual-forum-2025-southern-california-wildfires-session-1/ 01:20:15 Ertugrul Taciroglu: Thank you everyone. Great presentations. 01:20:17 Shirley Feldmann-Jensen: Replying to "That's a great quest..." @Kaila Witkowski it is always work in progress. Growing and learning... 01:20:32 Kaila Witkowski: Reacted to "@Kaila Witkowski it ..." with ❀️ 01:20:37 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: NIEHS Resources: 01:20:41 Stephanie Hoekstra: Hi Lori and others! Quick question- what is the typical turn around time for NHC quick response proposals? 01:20:57 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: β€’ NIEHS DR2 contacts (including EHS Network): β€’ To: Lydia Louis, Lydia.Louis@nih.gov and Aubrey Miller, Miller.Aubrey@nih.gov β€’ CC: Dylan Williams, Dylan.Williams@nih.gov β€’ EHS Network Meeting: Thursday 1/23/25 @ 1:00-2:00pm EST o For meeting link please contact: Dylan Williams and CC: Lydia Louis 01:21:11 Coleen Haskell: Have to drop. Thank you everyone. 01:21:47 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: β€’ Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/supported/timesensitive β€’ Upcoming Due Dates: February 3, 2025 and April 1, 2025 β€’ https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-ES-25-003.html o For all questions contact: Toccara Chamberlain, Toccara.Chamberlain@nih.gov o Submit letter of intent to (highly encouraged): o To: Varsha Shukla, Varsha.Shukla@nih.gov o CC: Toccara Chamberlain 01:23:55 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: β€’ Worker Training Program: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/supported/translational/wtp 01:24:02 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: β€’ DR2 Resources: https://tools.niehs.nih.gov/dr2/ 01:24:39 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: β€’ P30 Core Centers: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/supported/centers/core/grantees 01:25:11 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: https://hazards.colorado.edu/research/quick-response-program/overview 01:26:47 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: https://hazards.colorado.edu/research/quick-response-report/guidelines 01:27:41 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: QR Reports Archives: https://hazards.colorado.edu/research/quick-response-report/archives 01:28:15 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Training Modules: https://converge.colorado.edu/resources/training-modules/ 01:28:32 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Check Sheets: https://converge.colorado.edu/resources/check-sheets/ 01:29:08 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Defining, Collecting, and Sharing Perishable Disaster Data https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12592 01:29:40 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: SSEER Network https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/ 01:29:40 Nicole Errett: PHEER is coordinating a response, we invite all public health researchers to join us: https://www.pheernetwork.org/ 01:30:15 Jeffrey | Natural Hazards Center: Other CONVERGE research networks: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/ 01:35:59 Lori Peek, Natural Hazards Center and CONVERGE: https://rapid.designsafe-ci.org/ 01:36:25 Lori Peek, Natural Hazards Center and CONVERGE: http://designsafe-ci.org/ 01:37:31 Lori Peek, Natural Hazards Center and CONVERGE: help@designsafe-ci.org 01:41:29 Andrea Taylor: thank you all for sharing so much information and resources today. 01:41:29 Nnenia Campbell: Thank you all! 01:41:30 Shinwoo Choi: Thank you! 01:41:34 Deidre Zoll: Thank you! 01:41:36 Bowei Li: Thank you! 01:41:38 Phung Pham: Thank you 01:41:39 Ranjan Datta: Thanks Lori 01:41:40 Ratna Dougherty: Thank you for hosting! 01:41:42 Mikel Gordon: Thank you! 01:41:43 Mary Angelica Painter: Thank you Lori! 01:41:44 Catherine Oldershaw: Thanks!