Advancing the ethical conduct and scientific rigor of hazards and disaster research and strengthening networks between disciplinary communities.

CONVERGE is a National Science Foundation-funded initiative and is part of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) for the nation. Headquartered at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder, CONVERGE is committed to reducing human vulnerability to natural hazards while promoting collective well-being.

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Photo of person in hazmat suit at rubble pile using tool to analyze soil

Research Networks

The National Science Foundation currently supports seven Extreme Events Research / Reconnaissance (EER) networks. These networks bring together natural hazards researchers across disciplinary boundaries.


CONVERGE training modules, extreme events research check sheets, and other free resources are designed to accelerate the training and mentoring of a diverse next generation of hazards and disaster researchers and practitioners.


CONVERGE partners with other NHERI facilities to advance mobile applications for social science and interdisciplinary data collection and to encourage the publication and sharing of data.


CONVERGE hosts regular webinars and virtual forums to help educate and connect members of social science, engineering, and interdisciplinary research communities.

SSEER Interactive Map

The Social Science Extreme Events Research network—SSEER—is a National Science Foundation-supported network and online platform for social science hazards and disaster researchers. The mission of SSEER is to identify social science researchers and help them build connections—to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities affected by disaster and disaster risk. SSEER is designed to amplify and advance social science hazards and disaster research. You can find SSEER members, their organizational affiliations, and their geographic location using our interactive map.

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