Body, Health, Prevention: Media Constructed Discourses And Lived Cultures In The Age Of New “Bio-Realities”

Project Overview

The project inaugurates an integrative approach that COVID-19 explores on three levels: as a discourse constructed through media and public health documents; as “materialities and practices” (Will 2020) of prevention and “living cultures” (Branston and Stafford 2010); as a “neoliberal bio-reality” (Špoljar Vržina 2008). The project contributes to research into the socio-cultural aspects and consequences of the crisis caused by COVID-19; participation in the establishment of a new sociological sub-discipline; understanding recent processes through the construction of dominant/marginal discourses and lived health culture; further development of the concept of “neoliberal bio-realities” (Špoljar Vržina 2011, 2012) and expansion of the definition of the field of health/disease culture and development of new ways of data collection, synthesis and integration in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.

Study Design

discourse analysis/Media text Analysis, in-depth interviews

Project Keywords

body, health, prevention, new bio realities, discourse analysis, lived cultures

Principal Investigator


Department or Unit: Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar

Organization: Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar

Co-Project Investigators

  • SanjaŠpoljar VržinaPhDInstitute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar
  • MarijaGeiger ZemanPhDInstitute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar

Funding Source

Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar

Expected Study Timeline

December 2020 to December 2022

Study Design

discourse analysis/Media text Analysis, in-depth interviews

Primary Methods of Data Collection

Discourse, Media text Analysis (first year); in-depth interviews (second year)

Unit of Analysis

media articles (first year); individuals (second year)

Study Population(s)

General population

Sample Size

Small sample size

Geographic Focus Area(s)

Republic of Croatia

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