Attitudinal Survey of Students on Covid-19 Preventive Protocols

Project Overview

The coronavirus pandemic has been an unprecedented event leading to extraordinary high risk to health and general well-being. In line with efforts to curtail the spread of the virus, and towards promoting the safety of students, Bayero University, Kano in Nigeria formulated its covid-19 protocols, aimed at promoting healthy community for academic activities on the campus. The study report on outcomes from a survey of students’ attitude towards the covid-19 protocols. Study was purposively designed to survey attitude of students at Bayero University Kano, towards the covid-19 protocols. Participation was willingly and involved students’ completion of a short online survey via a secured web link. A total number of 149 students across 18 faculties of the university submitted their responses to the online survey. Analysis of data involved descriptive statistics and coding of free text responses into themes. Survey outcome indicated that a large majority of the participants have positive attitude towards the covid-19 preventive measures put in place by the University management. Their level of willingness to be proactive in curtailing the spread of the virus in the University community is high. Improved awareness on accessing available support services within the University is however required. Engagement of students through educational workshops and use of positive promotional messages are also likely to enhance continued adherence to covid-19 protocols within the university community.

Study Design

Study was purposively designed to involve students of Bayero University, Kano

Project Keywords

Survey, Attitudinal, Students, Preventive, Protocols, Coronalvirus

Principal Investigator


Department or Unit: Sociology

Organization: Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria

Co-Project Investigators

    Funding Source

    No funding was received by the author in conducting this study.

    Expected Study Timeline

    January 19, 2020 to July 30, 2021

    Study Design

    Study was purposively designed to involve students of Bayero University, Kano

    Primary Methods of Data Collection

    Online survey

    Unit of Analysis

    School (University)

    Study Population(s)

    149 students completed and submitted online survey

    Sample Size

    This was left open

    Geographic Focus Area(s)

    Bayero University, Kano. Nigeria. West Africa

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