COVID-19 and Asian Americans: Vulnerability and Resiliency

Project Overview

This study draws upon Vulnerable Populations framework to explore how resource availability and relative risk affect individual health outcomes. It aims to (1) examine the relationship among resource availability, relative risk, COVID-19 preventive behaviors, healthcare seeking behaviors, and health status among Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese in the state of Arizona, and (2) explore the role of racial/ethnic community organizations to mitigate damages associated with COVID-19, including anti-Asian discrimination amid pandemic. A mixed-methods approach, including a cross-sectional survey and key informant interviews will be conducted. We adapted questions from valid and reliable measures to assess resource availability (e.g., social support), relative risk (e.g., anti-Asian discrimination), COVID-19 preventive behaviors, healthcare seeking behaviors, and health status among our target populations. The findings will provide meaningful information to enhance individual, community, and policy-level decisions related to our target population and other ethnic and racial minority groups who encounter similar challenges in the face of pandemic. The findings will also inform public health policy makers and practitioners about best practices to effectively communicate timely information and promote preventative health behaviors in our target population, and to raise awareness about the diversity of Asian American experiences and resources.

Study Design

A mixed-methods approach, including a cross-sectional survey and key informant interviews will be conducted.

Project Keywords

COVID-19, Asian Americans, Vulnerability, Resiliency, Mixed-Method

Principal Investigator

Associate Professor
Angela Chia-Chen

Department or Unit: Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation

Organization: Arizona State University

Co-Project Investigators

  • WeiLiProfessorSchool of Social Transformation and School of Geographical Science and Urban PlanningArizona State University
  • KarenLeongAssociate ProfessorSchool of Social Transformation and Asian Pacific American StudiesArizona State University
  • SeungYongHanResearch Assistant ProfessorEdson College of Nursing and Health InnovationArizona State University
  • LihongOuDoctoral studentEdson College of Nursing and Health InnovationArizona State University

Funding Source

The Quick Response Research Award Program is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF or Natural Hazards Center.

Expected Study Timeline


Study Design

A mixed-methods approach, including a cross-sectional survey and key informant interviews will be conducted.

Primary Methods of Data Collection

Online survey, Interview

Unit of Analysis


Study Population(s)

Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese in the state of Arizona

Sample Size


Geographic Focus Area(s)


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