COVID-19 and Racialized Risk Narratives in South Africa, Ghana, and Kenya

Project Overview

Rapid research which brought together academics and community-based researchers in the lower- and middle-income countries (LMIC) of South Africa, Kenya and Ghana, to co-design and co-deliver research to explore the racialisation of risk narratives for preventing COVID-19 infection in their respective countries. It specifically considers the impact of the ‘black immunity’ myth.

Study Design

Critical discourse analysis

Project Keywords

Racialisation, postcolonial, infodemic, misinformation, pandemic policy

Principal Investigator


Department or Unit: Politics

Organization: University of Liverpool

Co-Project Investigators

  • AllemKiconcoDrWitswatersrand

Funding Source

University of Liverpool ODA Covid19 rapid research

Expected Study Timeline

May to July 2020

Study Design

Critical discourse analysis

Primary Methods of Data Collection

Open source data (social media, Internet, govt policy)

Unit of Analysis

Media, policy & social media narratives

Study Population(s)

States and general publics of Kenya, Ghana & South Africa

Sample Size


Geographic Focus Area(s)

Kenya, Ghana and South Africa

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