Families And Children’s Experiences (F.A.C.E.) of COVID-19 Study

Project Overview

The main purpose of our project is to explore the impact of COVID-related stress on the transactional relations between spousal/partner relationships, household daily stressors, the availability and quality of social support for parents, parental mental health, and parenting behaviors. Also, we are hoping to explore the implications of these transactions for children’s emotional and behavioral regulation, and to test whether changes in emotion regulation predict changes in young children’s socioemotional development and mental health. To examine the effects of the pandemic on family, parent, and child functioning, we will be recruiting 100-150 families in each of 19 cross-national and international sites. Focal children in these families will range in age between 3.5-to-7 years. Parents will be assessed in a baseline set of questionnaires measuring COVID-related stress, parental well-being, daily stressors, the availability of social support, parenting behaviors, and children’s emotional and behavioral regulation. In order to examine the ongoing processes of risk and resilience, follow-up data will be collected on these constructs monthly for six consecutive months.

Study Design


Project Keywords

COVID-related stress; Parenting; Social Support; Early childhood social and emotional well-being; Parent mental health

Principal Investigator


Department or Unit: Human Development & Quantitative Methodology

Organization: University of Maryland - College Park

Co-Project Investigators

  • JulieBowkerPhDPsychologyU. at Buffalo
  • NicholasWagnerPhDPsychologyBoston U
  • ManuelaVerissimoPhDISPA Portugal
  • AlidaLoCocoPhDPsychologyU. Palermo
  • SusanaTerenoPhDPsychologyUniversité Paris Descartes
  • RodrigoCárcamoPhDPsychologyUniversidad de Magallanes
  • HyounKimPhDPsychologyYonsei University
  • LixinRenPhDPsychologyEast China Normal University
  • OzgeMetin AzgePhDEducationAlamya U. Turkey
  • LeannaClossonPhDPsychologySt. Mary's U., Canada

Funding Source


Expected Study Timeline

April 15, 2020-June 30, 2021

Study Design


Primary Methods of Data Collection

Online surveys

Unit of Analysis

individuals; families, cultures

Study Population(s)

Families with a child between the ages of 3.5-7 years

Sample Size


Geographic Focus Area(s)

USA (5 sites); Canada (2 sites), China (2 sites), Italy (3 sites), Chile, France, Portugal, S. Korea, India, Turkey (2 sites)

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