Online Learning Adoption by Chinese University Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Project Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic has put online learning platforms to the test, in a context where student engagement can be severely challenged. These platforms are nonetheless essential for the business continuity of educational institutions around the world. To identify factors supporting online learning adoption under pandemic conditions, a questionnaire based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was adapted and completed by a sample of 704 Chinese university students. Structural equation modelling was applied to the resulting data, to identify the role played by effort expectancy, social influence, information quality, and a specific set of facilitating conditions. Longitudinal usage data is also being used, to complement the initial analysis.

Study Design

cross-sectional, longitudinal, structural equation modelling

Project Keywords

online learning, student engagement, pandemic, post-secondary education

Principal Investigator


Department or Unit: Division of Science and Technology

Organization: BNU-HKBU United International College

Co-Project Investigators

  • Yi-LungKuoAssociate ProfessorCentre for Teaching and LearningBNU-HKBU United International College
  • RajPrasannaDrJoint Centre for Disaster ResearchMassey University
  • MarionTanDrJoint Centre for Disaster ResearchMassey University

Funding Source

BNU-HKBU United International College #R201813

Expected Study Timeline

Initial Study: March to December 2020. Complementary Analysis: January to December 2021.

Study Design

cross-sectional, longitudinal, structural equation modelling

Primary Methods of Data Collection

Online surveys, online usage data

Unit of Analysis


Study Population(s)

Undergraduate university students

Sample Size


Geographic Focus Area(s)


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