A Solid Foundation for Research
Rapid technological change is revolutionizing the ways that hazards and disaster researchers can coordinate and collaborate to collect and share data. CONVERGE is advancing these efforts through the development of novel platforms and training opportunities to encourage social science and interdisciplinary researchers to manage, curate, and share their hazards and disaster data.

Data Publication
CONVERGE partnered with the NHERI RAPID facility and the DesignSafe research and development team to develop a novel social science and interdisciplinary data model for natural hazards research.
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Publish Your Data! Events
Learn more about the Publish Your Data! training sessions for social and behavioral scientists. These events are organized to inform members of the natural hazards research community about possibilities for publishing data, research instruments, protocols, and other materials.
OverviewEvent Videos and Documents

Data Ambassadors
CONVERGE Data Ambassadors have completed a Publish Your Data! training session and have published their own data or instruments on DesignSafe. They also share their newly attained knowledge with colleagues in the hazards and disaster field. CONVERGE Data Ambassadors are helping to usher in a culture shift toward data publication and data and instrument sharing across disciplines.
Meet Our Ambassadors

Data Management
One of the objectives of CONVERGE is to support researchers with data management and publication processes. This page offers guidance on writing a data management plan based on current National Science Foundation (NSF) requirements. This page is also intended for researchers who plan to publish their data, data collection protocols, or instruments via the DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure.
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Disaster Databases
CONVERGE has compiled lists of databases focused on social vulnerability to hazards and disasters and disasters losses.
View Databases
CONVERGE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.