CONVERGE Publish Your Data! Events

CONVERGE has partnered with the DesignSafe and RAPID facilities to host a series of Publish Your Data! training events for social and behavioral scientists and interdisciplinary researchers. These events are organized to inform members of the natural hazards research community about possibilities for managing, storing, curating, and publishing data, instruments, protocols, and other materials.



CONVERGE has launched a series of hands-on workshops to support social and behavioral scientists and interdisciplinary researchers to: (1) learn about new resources to manage and publish your data securely and in compliance with data protection best practices; (2) publish your data, data collection instruments, and research protocols permanently via the DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure; (3) learn how to use the RAPID App for mobile field data collection; (4) become a CONVERGE Data Ambassador and share the information gained with students and colleagues.


The main rationales for data, instrument, and research protocol publication include:

  • Reproducing or verifying research
  • Enabling others to ask new questions based on existing data
  • Advancing the state of research and innovation
  • Making results of publicly funded research available to the public as required by recent federal guidance
  • Fulfilling commitments to funders, community leaders, or participants
  • Meeting journal requirements


CONVERGE training events are designed to support social scientists, public health researchers, urban planners, and other researchers and data managers in allied fields who focus on the human dimensions of hazards and disaster research.

What Data or Other Documentation Can I Publish?​

  • Those who are interested in completing a CONVERGE training session must be prepared to bring data, data collection protocols/reports, and/or research instruments that are ready to be curated and published. All of these materials will help ensure a comprehensive data publication that could be used and analyzed by future researchers or research teams.
  • If your data involves human subjects, you must have your institution’s IRB approval.
  • All human subjects data should be properly de-identified based on ethical best practices, institutional requirements, and any other commitments to participants.


  • Help to create a cultural shift in the hazards and disaster research field in terms of how we collect, curate, publish, and share data and research instruments and protocols.
  • Get a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assigned to your data and/or data collection instruments and protocols.
  • Learn how to use the DesignSafe Cyberinfrastucture and the RApp.
  • Become a CONVERGE Data Ambassador and teach others how to use these new resources.

Event Materials

Those who are interested in learning from the previously organized Publish Your Data! events can access the event videos and training documents on the CONVERGE website.

Event Planning and Scientific Review Committee

Jessica Austin (University of Colorado Boulder), Nicole Errett (University of Washington), David Hondula (Arizona State University), Valerie Marlowe (University of Delaware), Nathanael Rosenheim (Texas A&M University), and Lori Peek (Chair, University of Colorado Boulder)


Publish Your Data! events are supported by the National Science Foundation and is convened by the CONVERGE facility in partnership with DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure and the RAPID facility.

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