CONVERGE Leadership Corps

Leadership Corps for Natural Hazards Research

One of the tasks of the CONVERGE initiative is to create and support the first-ever Leadership Corps for natural hazards research.

The Leadership Corps includes the principal investigators of the National Science Foundation-supported EER networks (GEER, SSEER, StEER, NEER, OSEEER, SUMMEER, PHEER, and ISEEER) and the leaders of National Science Foundation-Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NSF-NHERI) Network Coordination Office, RAPID Reconnaissance Facility, DesignSafe, and CONVERGE.

There are many well-established networks doing important work in the natural hazards reconnaissance space. The CONVERGE Leadership Corps, however, is dedicated to linking the National Science Foundation-supported EERs and the NSF-NHERI components that facilitate and advance the work of the natural hazards reconnaissance and research communities.

The CONVERGE Leadership Corps is working together to:

  • Develop an internal operations manual to clarify how the principal investigators of the NSF- and CDC-supported EER’s and NHERI components will work together in the event of a major disaster.
  • Develop an outward-facing research response plan to support the coordination of research teams and to clarify the ways that researchers can most effectively interface with local, state, and federal authorities, industry partners, and the nonprofit sector.
  • Develop best practice guidance for rapid response disaster research through the publication of the CONVERGE Extreme Events Check Sheets series and the CONVERGE Training Modules.
  • Write a science plan to inform future interdisciplinary rapid response disaster research investigations.
  • Assume shared responsibility for internal and external messaging and communications during extreme events research missions that involve large numbers of engineers and social scientists.

Leadership Corps Members

David Abramson

PI, Public Health Extreme Events Research (PHEER)
NSF Award #1841338
New York University
Photo Juyeong Choi

Juyeong Choi

PI, SUstainable Material Management Extreme Events Reconnaissance (SUMMEER)
NSF Award #2014330
Florida A&M University and Florida State University College of Engineering
Photo of Tim Cockerill

Tim Cockerill

Co-PI, DesignSafe
NSF Award #1520817
University of Texas at Austin

David Eisenman

PI, Public Health Extreme Events Research (PHEER) 
NSF Award #1841338
University of California, Los Angeles
Ozlem Ergun

Ozlem Ergun

PI, Operations and Systems Engineering Extreme Events Research (OSEEER)
NSF Award #1936967
Northeastern University

Nicole Errett

PI, Public Health Extreme Events Research (PHEER) 
NSF Award #1841338
University of Washington
Photo of David Frost

David Frost

PI, Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER)
NSF Award #1826118
Georgia Institute of Technology

Jennifer Horney

PI, Public Health Extreme Events Research (PHEER) 
NSF Award #1841338
University of Delaware 
Photo of Tracy Kijewski-Correa

Tracy Kijewski-Correa

PI, Structural Engineering Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER)
NSF Award #2103550, 1841667
University of Notre Dame
David Mendonça

David Mendonça

PI, Operations and Systems Engineering Extreme Events Research (OSEEER)
NSF Award #1936967
Rensselaer Polytechnic University
Photo of Lori Peek

Lori Peek

PI, CONVERGE, Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER), and Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Extreme Events Research (ISEEER)
NSF Award #1841338, #1745611
University of Colorado Boulder
Photo of Julio Ramirez

Julio Ramirez

PI, NHERI Network Coordination Office
NSF Award #1612144
Purdue University
Photo of Ellen Rathje

Ellen Rathje

PI, NHERI DesignSafe
NSF Award #1520817
University of Texas at Austin
Photo of Britt Raubenheimer

Britt Raubenheimer

PI, Nearshore Extreme Events Reconnaissance (NEER)
NSF Award #1848650, #1829136, #1430913
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Photo of Joseph Wartman

Joseph Wartman

NSF Award #1611820
University of Washington

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