SSEER Researchers Map

SSEER - Social Science Extreme Events Research

SSEER is a National Science Foundation-supported network for social science hazards and disaster researchers. The SSEER web map identifies members of the network by their geographic location, organizational affiliations, job titles, disciplinary foci, methodological expertise, the types of hazards and disasters they study, and the events they have researched. The purpose of SSEER is to identify and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to and affected by hazards and disasters.

Map Video Tutorials

This video provides an overview of the National Science Foundation-supported Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network. Please watch this brief video to learn more about the motivation for forming SSEER, the mission of SSEER, how social science hazards and disaster researchers can join the network, and the SSEER census and webmap application.

The Info Summary widget can be used to generate a count of SSEER researchers in a geographic area and to learn about their affiliation and areas of expertise.

The Near Me widget allows users to find SSEER researchers within a buffer surrounding a defined address or location, and then to view information about those researchers.

Sign Up for SSEER

If you are a social or behavioral scientist who studies hazards and disasters, you are invited to join the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network. Please complete the sign-up survey, which will only take about seven minutes. If you know other social scientists who study hazards and disasters who might want to participate in SSEER, please pass this information along. Our goal is to generate a complete census of the social science hazards and disaster research community.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation, Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1745611 and #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

The SSEER team would also like to acknowledge our partners at Esri for the assistance they provided in the use of WebApp Builder, ArcGIS Online, and the other products used in this endeavor. We offer thanks to Jeff Baranyi, Esri’s Disaster Response Program Operations Manager, for his intellectual generosity and vision. Shelby Hines and Hayley Miller, who are both Solution Engineers at Esri, provided technical assistance and various other forms of support for this project.

Our efforts in mapping global hazard and disaster research centers incorporate data from the United Nations.

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