Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Virtual Forum – 2023 Kahmaranmaras Earthquakes


Recorded Forum: March 22, 2023
Time: 9:00-10:00 am MT


Members of the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network and our partners are invited to join a Virtual Forum in response to the devastating earthquakes that triggered widespread loss of life and ongoing disruptions across parts of Southern Turkey and Syria.  

This Virtual Forum will open with an update regarding the number of SSEER members who completed this Google form and who expressed interest in joining a social science-led or multi-disciplinary research team in response to the earthquakes. That update will be followed by a 15-minute briefing from Louise Comfort (University of Pittsburgh; University of California, Berkeley), Burçak Erkan (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey), and Süleyman Çelik (Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey). Dr. Comfort, Dr. Erkan, and Dr. Çelik are leading a Quick Response Research investigation on communication and coordination networks following the earthquakes. They will share their broader observations regarding immediate and potential longer-term social science research needs in the region.  

The remaining time during this Virtual Forum will be dedicated to SSEER researchers sharing information and resources. Our goal is to advance social science research while also helping to ensure ethical and robust coordination within the social science community and across other disciplines, such as those being led through the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Learning from Earthquakes program.  

According to our annual SSEER Census, more than 300 current SSEER members have experience studying earthquakes. This Virtual Forum, combined with ongoing consultation with locally-affected researchers, will help us to determine how the SSEER network will ultimately respond to this event.  

The recording of this online meeting and other supplementary materials will be posted after the Virtual Forum ends. For future updates, please sign up at:  

Relevant Links and Resources

Virtual Forum Speakers

If you have questions about the SSEER network or the CONVERGE initiative, please contact Lori Peek at

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