An Overview of the CONVERGE Training Modules Series


Date: February 20, 2024
Time: 2:00 to 2:30 pm MT


First launched in 2019, the CONVERGE Training Modules series is designed to educate students, early career researchers, and others new to the field on the fundamentals of hazards and disaster research. Over the past four years, more than 9,000 people have registered for and successfully completed at least one of the 12 currently available modules. If you want to learn more, we hope you will join us for a brief 30-minute webinar that will describe and showcase the CONVERGE Training Module series.

During this webinar we will discuss the motivation for the training modules, review their basic structure and design, and describe the development process. We will also showcase results of our evaluations of the impact of the trainings on user knowledge, skills, and attitudes. We will share various resources such as the Assignment Bank and Annotated Bibliographies that can help support users as well as educators who assign the modules in their classrooms.

The CONVERGE Training Modules—developed with funding from the National Science Foundation and supplemental support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Geological Survey—are available via the CONVERGE website. The CONVERGE team regularly adds new modules to the series, and we encourage you to access the modules in advance of the webinar. 

The webinar is limited to 500 participants, so we hope you will register soon! If you cannot attend, the webinar will be recorded and posted on the CONVERGE webinar series page. Please also sign-up for future events and free resources at the CONVERGE website.


Lori Peek, Principal Investigator, CONVERGE, SSEER, and ISEEER
Director, Natural Hazards Center and Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Colorado Boulder

Rachel Adams, Research Associate and Co-Lead Training Module Developer
CONVERGE and Natural Hazards Center
University of Colorado Boulder

Candace Evans, Graduate Research Assistant and Co-Lead Training Module Developer
CONVERGE and Natural Hazards Center
University of Colorado Boulder

If you have questions about this webinar series or about CONVERGE, please contact us at

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