COVID-19 and Internal Migrant Workers in Karachi


This Working Group will focus on identifying the level of vulnerability and various psychosocial issues of migrant workers due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Karachi, Pakistan. Specifically, it aims to identify and understand the effects of geographical isolation on migrant workers due to COVID-19, and how it challenges their psychosocial wellbeing and general public health. The group will identify short- and long-term recommendations for stakeholders and policymakers.

Working Group Lead

Fahad Ahmed, Hacettepe University

Working Group Members

Ebru Inal, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Hira Imam, Suleman Roshan Medical College
Edip Kaya, Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University
Anum Khan, Jinnah Post-Graduate Medical Centre
Sibel Kiran, Hacettepe University
Nighat Nisar, Dow University of Health Sciences
Sundas Sahar, Indus Hospital

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