COVID-19 Survey and Polling Research


Research Agenda:

No research agenda.

This Working Group provides a forum for exchange of best practices, lessons learned, data, and opportunities for researchers conducting survey- or polling-based investigations with participants related to COVID-19. Through two primary mechanisms—a survey research aggregation platform and a regular online forum—the group will seek to provide a collaborative space for researchers using survey- and polling-based methods to connect, coordinate, and exchange ideas.

Working Group Lead

Eric Kennedy, York University

Working Group Members

Meg du Bray, Hollins University
Patrick Fafard, University of Ottawa
Steven Haynes, Oklahoma State University
David Hondula, Arizona State University
Megan Jehn, Arizona State University
Eric Jensen, Institute for Methods Innovation
Liza Kurtz, Arizona State University
Yue Qian, University of British Columbia
Cary Wu, York University

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