This Working Group will explore how the impacts of COVID-19 will affect the ability of practitioners and communities to prepare for, cope with, and respond to extreme weather events across the globe. The group will identify ways in which COVID-19 amplifies or attenuates risks to people and infrastructure associated with a wide range of weather hazards such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and heat waves, as well as practical strategies to mitigate those risks.
Resources / COVID-19 Resources / Working Groups / Compound Hazards and Cascading Disasters / Extreme Weather Events in a Time of Pandemic
Extreme Weather Events in a Time of Pandemic

Working Group Lead
David Hondula, Arizona State University
Working Group Members
Edris Alam, Rabdan Academy
Emma Apatu, McMaster University
Roger P. Abbott, Cambridge University
Mostafa Badroddin, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Daire Baldwin, University of Oregon
Julia Becker, Massey University
Ann Bostrom, University of Washington
Paul Chakalian, Arizona State University
Monalisa Chatterjee, University of Southern California
Aaron Clark-Ginsberg, Rand Corporation
David Damby, U.S. Geological Survey
Robert de Groot, U.S. Geological Survey
Benika Dixon, Texas A&M University
Angela Doherty, Auckland Emergency Management
Sabrina Drill, University of California Cooperative Extension
Alexandra Duprey, Tufts University
David Eisenman, University of California Los Angeles
James Elsner, Florida State University
Gina Eosco, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Suzanne Frew, The Frew Group
Nazife Ganapati, Florida International University
Marie Gedeon, Heidelberg University
Logan Gerber-Chavez, University of Delaware
Matthew Gerstenberger, GNS Science
Ken Gledhill, National Emergency Management Agency, New Zealand
James Goltz, Natural Hazards Center
Alex Grant, U.S. Geological Survey
Lesley Gray, University of Otago
Sean Griffin, DisasterTech
Melissa Guardaro, Arizona State University
Sara Harrison, Massey University
Alisa Hass, Middle Tennessee State University
Jen Henderson, University of Colorado
Douglas Hilderbrand, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Paul Iniguez, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
David Johnston, Massey University
Braden Kay, City of Tempe, AZ
David Kay, Cornell University
Kim Klockow-McClain, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Scott Knowles, Drexel University
Qingkai Kong, University of California Berkeley
Janine Krippner, Smithsonian Institution
Liza Kurtz, Arizona State University
Alan Kwok, Philanthropy California
Carlie Lawson, Powell Lawson Consulting
Qin (Christine) Lv, University of Colorado Boulder
Sara McBride, U.S. Geological Survey
Charleen McNeill, East Carolina University
Rebecca Morss, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Leysia Palen, University of Colorado
Lori Peek, University of Colorado Boulder
Jason Marc Pudlo, Oral Roberts University
Priya Ranganath, Concordia University
Elizabeth Reddy, Colorado School of Mines
Antoine Richards, Jacksonville State University
Claire Richards, University of Washington
Matt Roach, Arizona Department of Health Services
Carlos E. Rodríguez-Díaz, George Washington University
Ashleigh Ruston, Massey University
Jenniffer Santos-Hernández, University of Puerto Rico
Jazmin Scarlett, University of Newcastle
Deanna Sellnow, University of Central Florida
Tim Sellnow, University of Central Florida
Priti Shah, University of Washington
Abby Shao, University of Alabama
Holly Smith, University of Oregon
Jennifer Sprague, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Mel Taylor, Macquarie University
Joe Toland, U.S. Geological Survey
Shafin Valla, Alphabet Communication
Matthew Van, California State University Long Beach
Jamie Vickery, University of Colorado Boulder
Olivia Vila, North Carolina State University
Lance Watkins, Arizona State University
Anne Wein, U.S. Geological Survey
Jocelyn West, University of Colorado Boulder
Robert White, Cambridge University
Olga Wilhemi, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Mary Wright, Arizona State University
Haorui Wu, Dalhousie University
John Zinda, Cornell University
CONVERGE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.