Hawai’i-Pacific Participatory Feminist, Anti-Racist, and Indigenous-Centered Responses to COVID-19


This Working Group focuses on developing participatory, feminist, anti-racist, and Indigenous-centered strategies to address the interconnected crises related to COVID-19 in the Hawai‘i-Pacific Region. The aims of the group are to build participatory processes for bringing the concerns, needs, and knowledge of marginalized groups to the center within COVID-19 response and recovery policies while also supporting longer term organizing work on gender, racial and economic justice, and self-determination. The Working Group aims to connect research, policy, and community organizing.

Working Group Lead

Amanda Shaw, University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Working Group Members

Jane Chung-Do, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Kealoha Fox, AlohaCare
Khara Jarabola-Ing, Hawai’i State Commission on the Status of Women

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