In the past weeks, many countries in Latin-America have witnessed a growth in the number of infected people in urban, impoverished, and overpopulated areas that also suffer high levels of criminality and violence. This Working Group will discuss the complexities and obstacles for maintaining social distancing in these settings, where control by law enforcement is not possible.
Resources / COVID-19 Resources / Working Groups / Issues, Impacts, and Recovery / Social Distancing in Marginal Settings in Latin America
Social Distancing in Marginal Settings in Latin America

Working Group Lead
Diego Fernandez Otegui, University of Delaware
Working Group Members
Jorge Larrain, Rosa Content
Héctor José Madoery, CESC Security Group
CONVERGE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.