Social Safety Net Organizations Serving Vulnerable Populations


This Working Group will examine how organizations that routinely serve socially vulnerable populations are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it seeks to understand their common challenges, capacity to mobilize under rapidly-changing conditions, innovations to address emergent issues, the role that inter-organizational networks play in supporting the response effort, and how researchers can best support them.

Working Group Lead

Nnenia Campbell, Natural Hazards Center

Working Group Members

Susannah Bruns Ali, Florida International University
Sherri Brokopp Binder, BrokoppBinder Research & Consulting
Giselle Feliciano, Florida State University
Emel Ganapati, Florida International University
Brandi Gilbert, Community Science
Carlos Martín, Urban Institute
John Mathias, Florida State University
Jason Pudlo, Oral Roberts University
Sue Ann Sarpy, Sarpy and Associates
Thomas Thaler, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Matthew Van , California State University Long Beach
Jamie Vickery, Natural Hazards Center
Christopher Williams, University of Illinois Chicago
Ben Wisner, University College London
Zhe Zhang, Texas A&M University

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