Technological Innovations in Response to COVID-19


Working Group Leads

DeeDee Bennett, University at Albany- SUNY and Thora Knight, University at Albany- SUNY

Working Group Members

Elizabeth Dubois, University at Albany- SUNY
Pallavi Khurana, University at Albany- SUNY
Salimah Laforce, Georgia Institute of Technology
David Wild, Indiana University
Xiaojun Yuan, University at Albany- SUNY

Working Group Resources

Dubois, E.  & Yuan, X.-J. (2021). The mental state of Americans amid the COVID-19 crisis: How socially vulnerable populations face greater disparities during and after a crisis. Journal of Emergency Management, 19(9), 69-80.

Dubois, E., Bright, D., & Laforce, S. (2021). Educating minoritized students in the United States during COVID-19: How technology can be both the problem and the solution. IT Professional, 23(2), 12-18.

Bennett Gayle, D., Yuan, X.-J. & Knight, T. (2021). Coronavirus pandemic: The use of technology for education, employment, livelihoods. Journal of Assistive Technology (Forthcoming).

Yuan, X.-J., Knight, T., Bennett, D., Khurana, P., Laforce, S., Dubois, E., & Wild, D. (2020). ICT (information communication technologies) and emergency management: Studies on human information behavior during pandemic. ASIS&T SIGUSE Symposium, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T2020). Virtual Conference, October 2020.

Yuan, X.-J., Bennett, D., Dubois, E., & Wu, D. (2021). Supporting and engaging diverse and vulnerable populations with technology adoption amid COVID-19. iConference Workshop 2021, Virtual Conference.

Dubois, E., Yuan, X.-J. (2021). The societal impacts of covid-19 on Asian Americans: Mitigating mental health disparities stemming from labels like the “China virus”. Addressing Differential Impacts of COVID-19 in NYS: A Symposium and Edited Volume. Albany, NY, June 21 & 28, 2021.

Yuan, X.-J., Bennett Gayle, D., & Dubois, E. (2021). Lifestyle changes of socially vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA. iConference Workshop 2021, Virtual Conference.

Yuan, X.-J., Bennett, D., Berg, G., & Ling, H., Guest Editors. (2020-2021). Special Issue on Engaging Socially Vulnerable Populations with Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Frontiers in Computer Science

Yuan, X.-J., Bennett, D., & Wu, D., Guest Editors. 2021. Special Issue on Supporting and Engaging Diverse and Vulnerable Populations with Technology Adoption Amid COVID-19, Journal of Data and Information Management.

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