Technological Innovations in Response to COVID-19

Working Group Leads
DeeDee Bennett, University at Albany- SUNY and Thora Knight, University at Albany- SUNY
Working Group Members
Elizabeth Dubois, University at Albany- SUNY
Pallavi Khurana, University at Albany- SUNY
Salimah Laforce, Georgia Institute of Technology
David Wild, Indiana University
Xiaojun Yuan, University at Albany- SUNY
Working Group Resources
Dubois, E. & Yuan, X.-J. (2021). The mental state of Americans amid the COVID-19 crisis: How socially vulnerable populations face greater disparities during and after a crisis. Journal of Emergency Management, 19(9), 69-80.
Dubois, E., Bright, D., & Laforce, S. (2021). Educating minoritized students in the United States during COVID-19: How technology can be both the problem and the solution. IT Professional, 23(2), 12-18.
Bennett Gayle, D., Yuan, X.-J. & Knight, T. (2021). Coronavirus pandemic: The use of technology for education, employment, livelihoods. Journal of Assistive Technology (Forthcoming).
Yuan, X.-J., Knight, T., Bennett, D., Khurana, P., Laforce, S., Dubois, E., & Wild, D. (2020). ICT (information communication technologies) and emergency management: Studies on human information behavior during pandemic. ASIS&T SIGUSE Symposium, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T2020). Virtual Conference, October 2020.
Yuan, X.-J., Bennett, D., Dubois, E., & Wu, D. (2021). Supporting and engaging diverse and vulnerable populations with technology adoption amid COVID-19. iConference Workshop 2021, Virtual Conference.
Dubois, E., Yuan, X.-J. (2021). The societal impacts of covid-19 on Asian Americans: Mitigating mental health disparities stemming from labels like the “China virus”. Addressing Differential Impacts of COVID-19 in NYS: A Symposium and Edited Volume. Albany, NY, June 21 & 28, 2021.
Yuan, X.-J., Bennett Gayle, D., & Dubois, E. (2021). Lifestyle changes of socially vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA. iConference Workshop 2021, Virtual Conference.
Yuan, X.-J., Bennett, D., Berg, G., & Ling, H., Guest Editors. (2020-2021). Special Issue on Engaging Socially Vulnerable Populations with Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Frontiers in Computer Science.
Yuan, X.-J., Bennett, D., & Wu, D., Guest Editors. 2021. Special Issue on Supporting and Engaging Diverse and Vulnerable Populations with Technology Adoption Amid COVID-19, Journal of Data and Information Management.
CONVERGE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.