CONVERGE Data Ambassadors
CONVERGE Data Ambassadors have completed a National Science Foundation-supported Publish Your Data! training session.
As Data Ambassadors, they have committed to publishing their own data and instruments on DesignSafe, to learning about the CONVERGE and RAPID facilities and their resources, and to sharing their newly attained knowledge with other social and behavioral scientists and colleagues from other allied disciplines in the hazards and disaster field. CONVERGE Data Ambassadors are ushering in a culture shift toward data publication and data and instrument sharing across disciplines. The following page includes a list of instruments, reports, protocols, and other research materials published by the CONVERGE Data Ambassadors via the DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure. Additional research materials published by social science and interdisciplinary researchers are available via the Natural Hazards Center website.

Rachel Adams
Research Associate, Natural Hazards Center and CONVERGE, University of Colorado Boulder
Adams, R., M. Mordy, and L. Peek. (2023). “Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation Survey Data,” in Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation. DesignSafe-CI.
Research Instruments and Protocols:
Adams, R., M. Mordy, and L. Peek. (2023). “Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation Questionnaire,” in Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation. DesignSafe-CI.
Adams, R., M. Mordy, and L. Peek. (2023). “Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation Survey Invitation,” in Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation. DesignSafe-CI.
Tobin, J., R. Adams, J. Breeden, L. Peek, S. McBride, and R. de Groot. (2021). “2018 Anchorage Earthquake: Qualitative Fieldwork,” in ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning and Schools in the United States. DesignSafe-CI.
Tobin, J., R. Adams, J. Breeden, L. Peek, S. McBride, and R. de Groot. (2021). “2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes: Qualitative Fieldwork,” in ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning and Schools in the United States. DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.
Evaluation Report:
Mordy, M., R. Adams, and L. Peek. (2023). “Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation Report,” in Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation. DesignSafe-CI.

Austin Becker
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Marine Affairs, University of Road Island
Research Protocol and Dataset:
Becker, A., N. Hallisey, and G. Bove. (2023). “A Geospatial Inventory of Critical Coastal Infrastructure in the Caribbean: Methodology and Dataset.” DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.

Lauren Clay
Associate Professor and Department Chair, Department of Emergency Health Services, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Research Instrument Repository:
Clay, L. (2020). “COVID-19 and Social Determinants of Health Data Collection Instrument Repository.” DesignSafe-CI.
Research Brief:
Clay, L., S. Penta, and A. Silver. (2020). “Risk Perception, Information Seeking, and Protective Actions During COVID-19 Among New Yorkers (May-July 2020),” in A Multi-Wave Study of Risk Perception, Information Seeking, and Protective Action in COVID-19. DesignSafe-CI.
Data Report:
Clay, L. S. Rogus, and P. Gadhoke. (2020). “Primary and Secondary Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on New Yorkers (May-June 2020),” in National Food Access and COVID Research Team (NFACT) – New York. DesignSafe-CI.

Leremy Colf
Associate Professor and Donna L. Wong Professorship in Pediatric Nursing, Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Colf, L. and T. McAleavy. (2023). “Compendium of Data Sources Addressing Disasters and Health.” DesignSafe-CI.

Nicole Errett
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
Research Protocol:
Errett, N., J. Lamprea Montealegre, and T. Busch Isaksen. (2021). “King County COVID-19 Community Study.” DesignSafe-CI.
Research Instrument:
Errett, N., Kossik, A., Archer, M., Ceferino, L., Clay, L., Eid, K., Khan, A., Mitrani-Reiser, J., Rodgers, J., Shoaf, K., Soriano Hipol, F., Vickery, J., and Welton-Mitchell, C. (2022). “Data Collection Tool: Post-Earthquake Social Determinants of Health Assessment, v 1.0.” DesignSafe-CI.

Alex Greer
Associate Professor, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity, University at Albany
Research Instruments and Data:
Greer, A., T. Wu, H. Murphy, and R. Chang. (2020). “Survey of Students and Households and Interviews with Key Stakeholders in Oklahoma,” in Earthquake Adjustment in Oklahoma. DesignSafe-CI.

Betty Lai
Buehler Sesquicentennial Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology, Boston College
Interview Protocol:
Hoskova, B. J. Medzhitova, C. Colgan, B. Liang, and B. Lai. (2020). “Time 1 Interview Protocol on Colleges and COVID-19,” in Colleges and the COVID-19 Crisis. DesignSafe-CI.

Carson MacPherson-Krutsky
Research Associate, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder
Survey Instrument and Dataset:
MacPherson-Krutsky, C., M. Painter, M. Villarreal, and L. Peek. (2024) “Statewide Assessment of Emergency Response Officials”, in Best Practices and Recommendations for Inclusive Emergency Alerts in Colorado. DesignSafe-CI.

Tony McAleavy
Assistant Professor, Fire and Emergency Management Program, Oklahoma State University
Colf, L. and T. McAleavy. (2023). “Compendium of Data Sources Addressing Disasters and Health.” DesignSafe-CI.

Mary Angelica Painter
Research Associate, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder
Painter, M., M. Villarreal, C. Singh, and L. Peek. (2024). “2016-2021 State Hazard Mitigation Plans (SHMPs) and Social Vulnerability Qualitative Data,” in State Hazard Mitigation Plans and Social Vulnerability. DesignSafe-CI.
Painter, M., M. Villarreal, and L. Peek. (2023). “2016-2021 State Hazard Mitigation Plans (SHMPs) and Social Vulnerability Quantitative Data,” in State Hazard Mitigation Plans and Social Vulnerability. DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.
Scoping Literature Review:
Painter, M. A., S. H. Shah, W. Prudencio, G. C. Damestoit, F. Khalid, M. A. Chisty, F. Tormos-Aponte, and O. Wilhelmi, O. (2023). “2003-2021 A Systematic Scoping Review of the Social Vulnerability Index as Applied to Natural Hazards,” in A Systematic Scoping Review of the Social Vulnerability Index as Applied to Natural Hazards. DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.

Lori Peek
Professor, Department of Sociology and Director, Natural Hazards Center
Principal Investigator, CONVERGE, SSEER, and ISEEER, University of Colorado Boulder
Peek, L., H. Champeau, and J. Austin. (2023). “2022 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., H. Champeau, and J. Austin. (2022). “2021 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., J. Austin, and H. Champeau. (2022). “2020 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., M. Mathews, J. Austin, and H. Champeau. (2022). “2019 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., M. Mathews, E. Hines, H. Wu, J. Austin, and H. Champeau. (2022). “2018 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., E. Hines, M. Mathews, J. Gunderson, and H. Wu. (2020). “Global Academic Hazards and Disaster Research Centers Data.” DesignSafe-CI.
IRB Protocol:
Tobin, J., L. Peek, J. van de Lindt, E. Sutley, M. Dillard, M. Watson, J. Helgeson, S. Hamideh, and J. Mitrani-Reiser. (2021). “Institutional Review Board Protocol 2015-2020,” in A Longitudinal Community Resilience Focused Technical Investigation of the Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016. DesignSafe-CI.
Research Instruments and Protocols:
Peek, L., J. Tobin, R. Adams, J. Breeden, and M. Mordy. (2022). “2022 ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning and Schools Survey,” in ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning and Schools in the United States. DesignSafe-CI.
Peacock, W., N. Rosenheim, D. Gu, S. Van Zandt, L. Peek, M. Dillard, J. Tobin, and S. Hamideh. (2020). “Household Survey Instrument, November 26, 2016: Wave 1,” in A Longitudinal Community Resilience Focused Technical Investigation of the Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016. DesignSafe-CI.
Sutley, E., M. Dillard, S. Hamideh, W. Peacock, J. Tobin, L. Peek, K. Seong, A. Barbosa, T. Tomiczek, J. van de Lindt, and D. Gu. (2020). “Household Survey Instrument, January 19, 2018: Wave 2,” in A Longitudinal Community Resilience Focused Technical Investigation of the Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016. DesignSafe-CI.
Data Reports:
Champeau, Heather, Jessica Austin, and Lori Peek. (2023). “2022 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Austin, Jessica, Heather Champeau, and Lori Peek. (2023). “2021 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.
Champeau, H., J. Austin, and L. Peek. (2022). “2020 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., H. Champeau, and J. Austin. (2022). “2019 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., H. Wu, M. Mathews, H. Champeau, and J. Austin. (2021). “2018 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census,” in Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network Data, Survey Instrument, and Annual Census. DesignSafe-CI.
Peek, L., J. Austin, H. Champeau, J. Tobin, C. Evans, and R. Adams. (2023). “Natural Hazards Research Summit 2022: NHERI CONVERGE.” DesignSafe-CI.

Nathanael Rosenheim
Associate Research Scientist and Director of Research, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, Texas A&M University
Lane, G., N. Rosenheim, A. Williams, M. Watson, D. Maher, A. Rathburn, and W. Peacock. (2021). “Food Aid Agency Data”, in Food Access Impact Survey for Harris County and Southeast Texas after Hurricane Harvey in 2017. DesignSafe-CI.
Rosenheim, N. Lane, G. Katare, A. Watson, M. Williams, A. Peacock, W. Abuabara, A. Perez, M. Sullivan, E. Kastor, H. (2021) “Food Retailer Data”, in Food Access Impact Survey for Harris County and Southeast Texas after Hurricane Harvey in 2017. DesignSafe-CI.
Rosenheim, N., W. Peacock, A. Williams, G. Lane, M. Watson, E. Sullivan, A. Katare, and H. Kastor. (2021). “Report of Applied Methods”, in Food Access Impact Survey for Harris County and Southeast Texas after Hurricane Harvey in 2017. DesignSafe-CI.
Research Instruments:
Lane, G., N. Rosenheim, D. Maher, and W. Peacock, (2021) “Food Aid Agency Survey Instrument”, in Food Access Impact Survey for Harris County and Southeast Texas after Hurricane Harvey in 2017. DesignSafe-CI.
Peacock, W., N. Rosenheim, D. Gu, S. Van Zandt, L. Peek, M. Dillard, J. Tobin, and S. Hamideh. (2020). “Household Survey Instrument, November 26, 2016: Wave 1,” in A Longitudinal Community Resilience Focused Technical Investigation of the Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016. DesignSafe-CI.
Rosenheim, N., W. Peacock, M. Perez, and G. Lane. (2021). “Food Retail Survey Instrument,” in Food Access Impact Survey for Southeast Texas and Harris County, Texas after Hurricane Harvey. DesignSafe-CI.
Rosenheim, N., M. Stanley, C. Goodman, A. Berd, S. Hayes, E. Millard, J. Korukonda, and M. Watson. (2020). “Systematic Literature Review Toolkit.” DesignSafe-CI.

Gavin Smith
Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, North Carolina State University
Research Instrument:
Smith, G., O. Vila, and G. Caverly. (2020). “A National Evaluation of State Roles in Hazard Mitigation: Building Local Capacity to Implement FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants.” DesignSafe-CI.

Melissa Villarreal
PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology Graduate Research Assistant, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder
Lefkowitz, Z., M. Villarreal, L. Peek, and A. Fothergill. (2024). “Children and the COVID-19 Pandemic.” DesignSafe-CI.
Research Instrument and IRB Protocol:
Villarreal, M. (2022) “Planning Documents for Semi-Structured Interviews with Service Providers,” in Documenting the Undocumented: How Mexican Immigrant Women Navigate Long-Term Post-Disaster Housing Recovery and Cumulative Disaster Impacts. DesignSafe-CI.
Villarreal, M. (2022) “Planning Documents for Semi-Structured Interviews with Mexican Immigrant Women,” in Documenting the Undocumented: How Mexican Immigrant Women Navigate Long-Term Post-Disaster Housing Recovery and Cumulative Disaster Impacts. DesignSafe-CI.
Annotated Bibliographies:
Villarreal, M., C. MacPherson-Krutsky, and M. Painter. (2024) “Emergency Alerts and Disability Access: An Annotated Bibliography”, in Best Practices and Recommendations for Inclusive Emergency Alerts in Colorado. DesignSafe-CI.
Villarreal, M., C. MacPherson-Krutsky, and M. Painter. (2024) “Emergency Alerts and Language Access: An Annotated Bibliography”, in Best Practices and Recommendations for Inclusive Emergency Alerts in Colorado. DesignSafe-CI.

Maria Watson
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University
Research Instruments:
Sutley, E., M. Dillard, S. Hamideh, W. Peacock, J. Tobin, L. Peek, K. Seong, A. Barbosa, T. Tomiczek, J. van de Lindt, and D. Gu. (2020). “Household Survey Instrument, January 19, 2018: Wave 2,” in A Longitudinal Community Resilience Focused Technical Investigation of the Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016. DesignSafe-CI.
Xiao, Y., M. Watson, J. Helgeson, K. Farokhnia, J. van de Lindt, J. Mitrani-Reiser, E. Sutley, D. Deniz, T. Tomiczek, A. Barbosa, J. Fung, O. Nofal, and M. Koliou. (2020). “Business Survey Instrument, January 19, 2018: Wave 2,” in A Longitudinal Community Resilience Focused Technical Investigation of the Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016. DesignSafe-CI.

Haorui Wu
Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Dalhousie University
Peek, L., E. Hines, M. Mathews, J. Gunderson, and H. Wu. (2020). “Global Academic Hazards and Disaster Research Centers Data.” DesignSafe-CI.
Scoping Literature Review:
Wu, H., L. Peek, M. Mathews, and N. Mattson. (2020). “A Scoping Literature Review: Cultural Competence for Hazards and Disaster Research.” DesignSafe-CI.

H. Tristan Wu
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Science, University of North Texas
Research Instrument:
Wu, T., S. Huang, and M. Lindell. (2020). “Household Mail Survey,” in 2011 New Zealand and Japan Earthquake Household Response Survey. DesignSafe-CI.
CONVERGE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.