COVID-19 Global Research Registry
COVID-19 Global Research Registry for Public Health and Social Sciences
The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the urgent need for coordination, collaboration, and information-sharing among researchers worldwide. We hope those who are studying the human and societal impacts of this crisis will join this effort to build a global registry for public health and social science research.
Researchers are invited to register their COVID-19-related project here. Registered projects should be focused on topics related to the social and behavioral consequences, policy responses, educational and economic impacts, and public health implications of COVID-19. The form takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The form is currently available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.
Sharing your information will help:
- Highlight novel public health and social science research initiated in response to COVID-19
- Expand opportunities for research collaboration and reduce duplication of effort
- Identify unmet research needs
- Create possibilities to share and publish research instruments, data collection and ethics protocols, and data
- Set a comprehensive social science research agenda
Audiences who may be interested in this registry include researchers seeking collaborative opportunities, scientific advisors for government, industry, and non-profit organizations seeking social science knowledge, funders looking to address outstanding knowledge gaps, and journalists seeking scientific expertise.
The project-summary information that researchers share via the registry form will be made publicly available. Project updates will be communicated regularly via social media and the CONVERGE website. You can read more about our information sharing policies below.
Thank you for considering registering your project. Our ultimate hope is that the work being generated by this community can help to reduce suffering, save lives, and enhance collective well-being.
About the Registry
The COVID-19 Global Research Registry for Public Health and Social Sciences is a worldwide registry for the identification of COVID-19-related research and risk reduction efforts. It has been launched by the National Science Foundation-supported CONVERGE facility and the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Network in response to a call from the (NIEHS) Working Group for Disaster Research at the National Institutes of Health.
Partners in this work include global, regional, and national networks and and associations dedicated to advancing public health and social science and organizations committed to reducing disaster risk:
- Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI)
- Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme of the International Science Council, International Social Science Council, and United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
- International Sociological Association Research Committee on Disasters (ISA-RC39)
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Disaster Research Response (DR2) Program
- North American Alliance of Hazards and Disaster Research Institutes (NAAHDRI)
- Pacific Risk Management ‘Ohana (PRiMO)
- PeriPeri U — Partners Enhancing Resilience for People Exposed to Risks
- Puerto Rico Research Hub, University of Central Florida
- RISE Network
- Scholars Strategy Network
- Social Science Research Council
- University Network of the Americas and the Caribbean for Disaster Risk Reduction (Redulac/DRR)

Policy on Information Sharing
The information that researchers share via the COVID-19 Global Research Registry for Public Health and Social Sciences will be made publicly available via the CONVERGE website.
Researchers are being invited to share summaries of their projects and basic research design information via the registry form. Researchers have complete control over what study information they decide to share via the form.
Researchers are not being asked to share their research instruments or data; although note that publishing instruments and data is a possibility for those who are interested.
Researchers will be identified by name and institution in the public registry.
Researchers are not obligated to respond to requests for interviews, collaborations, or data sharing that may occur as a result of joining this registry.
Researchers can ask to have their information removed from the registry at any point in time.
Researchers will maintain complete control over all research and research related projects.
For more information on why it is important to register research studies, please see this valuable guidance from the National Institutes of Health: Why Should I Register and Submit Results?
Questions and Connections
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact us at
You can learn more about CONVERGE and sign up for free resources at
Social scientists are invited to join the SSEER network and Slack channel at
CONVERGE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.