Rural and underserved populations are frequently overlooked in disaster planning and recovery, yet understanding their needs is essential to address structural gaps in disaster response and build community resilience.
This webinar will feature emerging scholars and Bill Anderson Fund Fellows who examine critical issues at the intersection of rural places, disasters, and underserved populations. Presentations will cover the role of nonprofits in supporting the unmet needs of rural disaster survivors, the experiences of individuals with disabilities across disaster cycles, and the compounding vulnerabilities faced by rural communities affected by low-attention disasters.
Each presentation will offer actionable insights into how disaster response can better serve these populations. Speakers will discuss the challenges, risks, and resilience strategies for underserved communities. Join us to learn about new research for addressing disaster inequities.
CONVERGE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, Program on Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (Award #1841338). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.